Jamie has been helping clients make rational and responsible financial decisions for many years. Jamie knows first hand that a financial plan includes much more than a portfolio: in the “sandwich generation” the physical and emotional health of a family can have profound financial consequences. Real life is never “plug and play,” and Jamie’s clients have the dual advantage of planning and an adviser who has an expertise at “quarterbacking portfolios” through variations in the market and through the planned and unplanned changes that re-shape an investor’s needs and goals – sometimes at a moment’s notice.
Jamie’s certification in divorce financial planning (CDFA), mediation, and deep study of behavioral economics allows Jamie to come to the table understanding that money is both a tool and a metaphor. Our decisions are never just about numbers but about our relationship to money, to our families, and our own history. Her unique ability to help clients get to the right questions allows her to tailor a financial strategy for each client’s particular goals, challenges, and values.
Jamie has a grown daughter, son and daughter-in-law, as well as two trilingual grandsons (English, German and baby) and a grand-dog.
She’s a Scrabble player, movie and theatergoer and traveler whose European grandchildren have helped her become excellent in family friendly travel – and travel friendly family.